Why Cheating In Video Games Is Bad Essay Average ratng: 5,8/10 1491 votes
Cheatingis one of the most concern behaviors at school all over the world. There aremany different ways of cheating such as copying homework, looking at anotherindividual paper during exam, plagiarizing, and so on. It has been consideredto be the worst behavior since it causes a lot of bad effects to the cheatersin the future. In this way, cheaters do not have their own ability to do theirown works, so in the future when they get a job, they will lack of ability todo their jobs too which may cause them to get unemployment. There are many reasonswhy students like cheating, but according to some researchers, there are topthree reasons why students are likely to cheat: lack of effort, externalpressures and opportunity.

“Cheating in multiplayer online games is a growing problem,” said Doug Lowther, CEO, Irdeto. “It has the potential to not only impact other gamers around the world, but also poses a big. Cheating is very frustrating when you are playing by the rules. When you cheat in school to get better grades, it’s unfair to the kids who actually studied and did the work. You may also receive unfair recognition for the better grade, when it is not deserved. Cheating is unfair to you. Accomplishment feels good and helps build self-esteem and self-confidence. Cheating cultivates bad influence to the smart academic students; they start seeing learning as a temporary acquisition of facts. The bright students will not see anything good in academics. This can be dangerous as students will never think of solving problems affecting the society but passing exams. Cheating in video games involves a video game player using non-standard methods for creating an advantage beyond normal gameplay, usually to make the game easier, or may also create unusual effects which do not necessarily make the game easier to play, such as giving characters different appearances, such as large heads. Cheating at schools is something that confuses many people, because they cannot understand why students cheat in exams even when they have enough time for preparation. However, there are various reasons for students cheating, f or example, the desire for.

Tobegin with, cheating is likely to be occurring on students who are lack ofeffort in their studying. Students who did not attend class or did not studyare considered to be lack of effort students. Those students are rare to get passed bythemselves; thus, cheating is a good way for them to get passed. Exams areusually extracted from the lessons that the students have learnt, so it isessential for the students to attend every class and keep their concentratingwhile studying in order to do well on the exams without cheating. According to
Externalpressures are other main causes of cheating. There are two kind of externalpressures: academic and nonacademic pressure. For the academic pressure, thereare too many tests for the students on one day, so they need cheating in orderto facilitate them to do the test. In this respect, people are easily makingmistakes when they have done a lot of works; hence, they need other people tocheck for them. Similarly, while there is a lot of tests for the students inone dayduring the exam, students who have done their exams are likely to checkwith other students in order to make sure and correct any mistakes. This habittoo is considered cheating since exams do not allow students to check eachother works. Another possibility for academic pressure on cheating is that themajority does it. If everybody does it,
Movingonto the first effect of cheating is that it makes the students to lose their responsibilityfor their own works. Students who are copying other people’s works feel thatthey do not need to do anything to pass their exams; all they need is just turnin the paper to their teachers and get the passing grade. Earlquotes, “Information cannot replace education” (Earl, 2002).Losing one’s responsibility could create a lotof problems for individuals. In the real world, it is essential for everybodyto responsible for what they have done. If everyone does not take anyresponsibility for something that they have done wrong, so there will be nocorrection for now and in the future. Therefore, the mistakes will remain lastforever. Furthermore, many companies today are likely to hire only employeeswho are responsible to do their own work for the company. Due to all thesereasons, it is crucial for the students to start to take responsibility fortheir own works since they are at school as it is a good place to start andpractice.
Losingcreativity is another main effect of cheating. Students who are cheating do notput any effort to their works at all which will lead them to gradually losetheir creativity level every time they copy other’s works or have someone to dotheir works instead themselves. The more times the students do their own work,the more times that they gain their thinking creativity and successfullyability. The ability to think creativity and successfully plays an importantrole for the world in the future. In this way, when the world has a lot ofcreativity people, the development of the world will becomes more and more fasterand vice versa. . Thus, we should do something to get rid out of cheating atschool in order to gain more creativity people in the future for the benefitsof both people and the world since students are the ones who are partly heldthe world in the future.
1.Earl,K. (2002, 10 25). The really big list of education quotes & links.Retrieved from:

Many essays have been written about the consequences of cheating, whether at the post-secondary level or at other academic stages. People who cheat on tests, essays, or assignments find themselves facing repercussions such as failure, suspension, expulsion, and lack of credibility. And if someone succeeds at cheating once, they are likely to repeat the task – perhaps next in a work environment. But not as many pieces of writing examine the causes of cheating. In other words, what leads children and adults to deceive in the first place? Are there definable factors that lead to cheating in the first place? I would say yes. Factors such as: stress, procrastination, and lack of study skills leads to cheating in academic settings.


One of the main factors that cause people to cheat is the pressure and stress revolving around exams and grades. In many cases, so much relies on one exam: status, awards, scholarships, advancement. Who would take the risk of bombing a test or project when so much of the future depends on the result? High school story game rings cheat. Students need to be able to see the path beyond success or failure and strategies to deal with anxiety and pressure in the interim. They can be taught how to do deep breathing exercises to minimize test anxiety and they can write in a journal to help put their thoughts to paper. Both of these strategies can aid students in working through difficult times, instead of avoiding them.

Sometimes students feel the need to cheat on final evaluations due to lack of preparation. They have procrastinated, by putting off studying, and now have no other avenue to pursue other than the route of deceit. Students need to be taught, at an early age, that studying is important and cannot be put off until the last minute. Studying in small increments is more effective than an all-night cram-a-thon. Plus, it helps alleviate stress by taking work and sectioning it into manageable doses. Parents can model this by not waiting until the end deadline to get their taxes done or stressing at the store because they need to buy something just then when they should have picked it up a week ago. Feed us lost island game cheats.

Lastly, students lack some skills that go into test preparation. Perhaps a reading of Stephen Covey’s book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens, should become mandatory reading for those still in school. The author offers advice on ‘putting first things first’ which, in essence, teaches about organization and prioritizing – a skill that many students lack. They might want to study, but aren’t sure how to go about it or find time for it in their busy schedule.

Why Cheating In Video Games Is Bad Essay Free

There are more factors that can be explored in terms of the causes of cheating in academic settings. No one reason can cause a student to cheat. But by analyzing certain key factors, change can be implemented. Students can be education about working through their problems, and not avoiding them. There are better options out there than cheating.

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