And also as you play the game you will start to use hero Z doomsday warrior hack and make the best army ever and recruit all the needed soldiers in the game, and also as you play the game you will start to develop your base and make new units and defenses through the game, and through using hero Z doomsday warrior cheats you will be able to. Dragon Ball FighterZ – Official Super Baby 2 Gameplay Announcement Trailer. – Super Baby 2 arrives January 15th, 2020 to Dragon Ball FIGHTERZ! Z-Drink: restores HP by 200 points. Senzu: fully restores HP and heals any status problems. Crystal: revives a fighter and restores HP by half the maximum amount. Shenron scale: revives a fighter and restores HP fully. Flying Nimbus: used for escaping instantly from a cave or a dungeon. Holy water: raises the level of a fighter by one.
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Allow Two Player Custom Skill Level On One Memory Card
At the character selection screen in duel mode,have player one choose a character first. Then,choose the custom skill setting. Then, take thememory card in slot one and move it to memorycard slot two. Player two can now choose acustom skill setting without having two memorycards. If you do not like the random choice ofthree characters that Shenron powers-up, restartthe GameCube. All your Dragon Balls will stillbe there when the game is resumed. SummonShenron again until you like the choice of thethree random characters.
How To Get Super Saiyan 4 Goku
To get Super Saiyan 4 Goku, you need to beatAdvanced World Tournament with ALL characters.Then, while selecting Goku in World Tournament,Duel, Practice, etc., hold Y + X at the sametime. Then, instead of powering to SS, you willbecome SS4. It has the same power as regular SS,but it looks awesome!
World Tournament Help
If you cannot beat World Tournament, welcomeaboard. In OPTIONS, choose GAME OPTIONS, andmake all the changes, such as Duel Time 30seconds, COM level: VERY EASY, etc. It sure didhelp me a lot!
Android #16
Complete the 'Aim For Perfect Form' episode tounlock Android #16.
Android #18
After you finish story mode, re-enter it. Go tothe Android Saga and find the new episode SuperSaiyan Vegeta. Enter this episode and you willend up fighting Android #18. Once you defeather, you will get a new skill that states thatyou can now use Android #18 anytime.
Cell, Android #17, And Teen Gohan
Z Fighters Game Cheats Ps3
Play through 'The Androids Saga' at any level tounlock Cell, Android #17, and Teen Gohan.
Play through 'The Namek Saga' at any level tounlock Freiza, Ginyu, and Recoome.
Radditz, Vegeta, And Nappa
Play through 'The Saiyan Saga' at any level tounlock Radditz, Vegeta, and Nappa.
Saiyaman (Gohan's Alter Ego)
Win a World Match Tournament at the 'Advanced'level to unlock Saiyaman (Gohan's alter ego).
Super Saiyan Ability (Goku Only)
Play through 'The Namek Saga' at any level tounlock Super Saiyan ability (Goku only).
Super Saiyan Ability (Vegeta Only)
Play through 'The Androids Saga' at any level tounlock Super Saiyan ability (Vegeta only)
Super Saiyan And Super Saiyan 2 Abilities (Teen Gohan Only)
Play through 'The Androids Saga' at any level tounlock Super Saiyan and Super Saiyan 2 abilities(Teen Gohan only).
Super Vegeta
Complete the 'Vegeta's Confidence' episode tounlock Super Vegeta.
Complete the 'Perfect Form Cell Complete'episode to unlock Trunks.
Complete the 'Aim For Perfect Form' episode tounlock Yamcha.
Complete the 'Vegeta's Attack' episode to unlockZarbon.
Alternate Background
When you start the game and 'Press Start'appears, remain idle and a FMV sequence willstart. When the title screen appears, thebackground will be different. There are three orfour different backgrounds. Besides the fourbackgrounds in the startup menu, and twodifferent start up title songs, there is thenormal background that has the actual DragonBall Z title screen from the show. There is alsoone that has to do with each main villain playedagainst in the game.
Random Level
At the level selection screen, press Up. Thescreen should now have question marks and nowsay random. It will select any level in anyorder.
Tournament Wins
When in Tournaments, instead of trying to killthe CPU opponents, just lure them close to theedge of the ring. Tap A + Down to move behindthe opponent, then use a strong move to knockthem out the ring.
Story Mode Replay
Once you have completed story mode once, youwill notice that there are some people missing,except for Gohan as a super hero and Hercule whoget unlocked in world championship mode. Go backto story mode and you will see what you havedone instead of starting a new story. Some ofthe episodes will have 'New' beside them. Gointo those episodes to get new players and newplayer abilities, such as a Super Saiyan forVegeta.
Taunting (press P + K + G + E) will lower youropponent's Ki gauge by 1.
Attack Boost
Add a Senzu Bean with Sayian Heritage. Yourattack will be boosted after the Senzu Bean isused. A normal bean takes up 3.
Charge Your Own Energy
To charge your energy, rotate the Right Analog-stick clockwise. This works best with Piccolo.
Easier Combos
If you are doing a combo that your havingtrouble with (for example, the Super Kamahamaha(K(2), Right + K, K, E), hold the D-pad andpress the rest of the moves and it will put inthe arrows. For example, hold Right and press K(2), K(2), E.
Extra Zenie
When you complete The Legend Of Hercule, thepoints you earn will be turned into Zenie.
Using Two Custom Characters With One Memory Card
At the character selection screen, choose thefirst character (player one or two),while theother player waits. After the first playerchooses, remove the memory card from slot oneand put it in slot two. You should now be ableto choose another custom character for playertwo.
The Dragon Balls
Within the game you can collect the seven DragonBalls. In order to get them, you have to buythem at Mr. Popo's shop. However, they are veryrare. They cost 8000 Zenie each and will onlyappear in a 'Recommended' or 'Gambled' Capsule.After collecting all seven, go to the Caps Listoption in the 'Edit Skills' menu. Then go alongto the second to last list. If all seven DragonBalls are present, press A and you will be askedif you wish to summon Shenron. Select 'Yes' andyou will be given the option to 'Breakthrough'three random characters. Breakthrough is aCapsule which will open all the Death Moves,Transformations, and Physical Moves of thecharacter in possession. However, it takes upseven ability slots and cannot be equipped inconjunction with anything else. After choosingyour character, the Dragon Balls will disappearand you will have to collect them all again. Ifyou do not like the random choice of threecharacters that Shenron powers-up, restart theGameCube. All your Dragon Balls will still bethere when the game is resumed. Summon Shenronagain until you like the choice of the threerandom characters.
Burst Zone
When fighters simultaneously connect with anEnergy Punch, you enter Burst Zone. You willknow when this is happening by the speed atwhich both warriors are attacking and blocking.Rotate the Left Analog-stick as quickly aspossible. If you are the fastest, you willdeliver a powerful knock-back attack on youropponent upon exiting the Burst Zone. Theeasiest way to win in the Burst Zone is when youenter it, spin both the Left Analog-stick andRight Analog-stick as fast as possible. This hasthe same effect as pressing the directionalbuttons and command buttons all at the sametime, but a lot easier to do.
Restore Life
To get life without going into the rejuvenationchamber on Namek, go up closely to the chamberwithout going in. You should see your life barfill.
Increased Damage
If you equip two of the same ability, you willdo a lot more damage. For example, if playing asVegeta use the following: Final Flash x2, BigBang Attack x2, Super Sayian, Super Vegeta, 1/3Senzu Bean. Your attack for Final Flash and BigBang will be higher.
Hidden Area
You can destroy Kami's lookout with Goku'sSpirit Bomb or Hercules' Present For You. Afteryou destroy it, you will fight in an area with alot of dirt and a few mountains. On the islandstage, hit your opponent into the rocks once ortwice. They will shatter and you will fall intoa cave-like stage with waterfalls in thebackground.
Field Transformation
When playing as Trunks in practice mode, go tothe grass land and use his burning attack. Youwill fight in a hole that Trunks made with hisattack and the trees will be burned to a crisp.
Easy Opponent Damage In Kami's Lookout Level
Get your opponent to the edge of the lookout,then do a strong attack. They will fall off andyou will follow them down. This will take offabout half their green life bar.
Adept Tournament Capsule
Play in Novice mode and become number one. Go toMister Popo. You will see a gray Capsule for8000 Zenie. It is Adept mode.
Advanced Tournament Capsule
Play in Adept mode and become number one. Go toMister Popo. You will see a gray Capsule for8000 Zenie. It is Advanced mode.
Frieza's Space Ship Capsule
Get 12,000 Zenie go to 'Recommended' in Mr.Popo's shop. When you see Frieza's Space the 12,000 Zenie. This Capsule takes threespaces in Frieza's slot. When you die, Frieza'sSpace Ship appears and restores everything. Italso transforms you into Cyber Frieza.Additionally, play through the Namekian Saga onthe hardest difficulty setting and defeat Friezaat all times without losing once. The Capsule atthe end should be Frieza's Space Ship.
Gero's Perpetual Energy Capsule
To get unlimited energy, go to Mr. Popo's shopand go to the recommended section. Leave andreturn until Gero's Perpetual Energy appears.Every character can use it, but notransformations are allowed.
The Legend Of Hercule (Mr. Satan) Capsule
Unlock Hercule and go to the Mr. Popo's shop.Buy the 'Advanced Tournament' Capsule and theone that appears next is 'The Legend OfHercule'. It is a new fighting mode, where yourecreate the events that the public believedhappened during the 'Cell Games Saga'. Also,when you select Legend Of Hercule, make sure youhave a Senzu Bean and custom Hercule. When youget to fight Goku, your health will notreplenish when you fight Gohan and Cell.
Red Capsule
All Z Fighters
On world championship mode, if you win you get10,000 Zenie and second place gets you 5,000Zenie. This is useful because when you go to theshop and buy the Red Capsule, you will get somevery good moves such as Super Saiyan Trunks,Kamahamaha for Krillen, and even Super SaiyanLevel 2 for Gohan.
Super Trunks 2 Capsule
There is a capsule to get Super Trunks 2. It isstronger then Super Trunks and is very helpfulwhen fighting in the tournaments. You canpurchase this from Mr. Popo. The 'Recommended'capsule section is the best place to find it.Exit in and out of the purchase screen and therecommended capsule should eventually appear asSuper Trunks 2. Additionally, first buy theCapsule for the Adept level for World Tournamentmode. Then, complete the Adept level withTrunks. When you go in the Skill Shop, the SuperTrunks 2 capsule will be there for you to buy atthe bottom as a Recommended Capsule.
Trunks' Mystery Fiber Jacket Capsule
One of the rarest capsules in the game, this canbe obtained by buying the recommended capsule atMr. Popo's shop or by completing the AndroidsSaga episode: A New Threat.
Extra Capsule Slot
Enter cheat codes in mobile games. When selecting Capsules for any Saiyan, halfSaiyan (except Saiyanman), or Cell, you cantrick the CPU into giving you an extra slot.First, use four slots for anything, then use the1/3 Sensu Bean and Saiyan Heritage. There shouldbe an empty slot at seven. Next, replace the 1/3Sensu Bean for a normal Bean. In effect, youwill get a full Sensu Bean for two slots insteadof three. You cannot trick the CPU into changingthe new eighth slot into anything else.
Getting Capsules Easier
Go to story mode after you finish it. Finish anydesired level and you should get a Capsule.Although you cannot choose the Capsule that youget, you might get a new Capsule that you need.Also, in order to collect all the Capsules andeven the Dragonballs without playing in WorldTournament Mode consistently to attain the moneyfor them, just continue to play story mode afteryou have unlocked all the chapters. You willcontinue to receive capsules each time you play,and sometimes even a free Dragonball.Eventually, you will have the maximum of everycapsule and force the CPU to give youDragonballs. To make it even more simple, find achapter such as number 9 in the Namekian Saga(Raging Frieza) that gives you three Capsuleseach time you complete it. The only capsules youwill ever have to buy in Mr. Popo's shop are thetwo World Tournament Capsules for Adept andAdvanced, and The Legend of Hercule Capsule.
Ki Ball Tennis
This has no purpose other than a laugh, and willnot unlock anything in the game. Enter practicemode (or two-player duel if you want to playwith a friend) and choose your characters andstage. When the fight starts, put as muchdistance between you and your opponent aspossible. If in practice mode, set theopponent's action to Deflect-Back at the pausemenu. Once you are as far away as desired,launch an energy ball by pressing Circle. Inpractice mode, your opponent should knock itback at you. Just before the ball hits you,press Guard and if it timed correctly, it shouldbe reflected back at the opponent. In a twoplayer match, you can play it like a propergame. For example, flip a coin to see who serves(launches the energy blast). Set a score limit.If the Ki ball is knocked away, hits, or is hitby another Ki blast, whoever reflected the balllast gets the point.
Defeating Cell In All Forms
As soon as you start, back up. Your opponentshould run attack. Jump back and Kick(3). Repeatthis until all his health is depleted.
Legend Of Hercule
Put a Sensu Bean on Hercule before you start.You will be revived, but only during the Goku,Gohan, and Cell fights. You will just die in theother battles.
Real Voice After Transformation
A character's voice will remain the same, evenafter transformations. Do a special attack tohear their real voice, such as Perfect Cell'sSpirit Bomb.
More Authentic Dialog At Beginning Of The Fight
To have dialog that has to do with story mode orthe series Dragon Ball Z, pair these twofighters together: Krillin and Android #18,Frieza and Goku, Vegeta and Goku, Android #16and Goku, and Trunks and either Androids #17 orAndroid #18, Piccolo and Teen Gohan. If you pairthese fighters as indicated, you will heardifferent dialog pertaining to the story mode,or the relation between the characters. Certaincharacter pairs may also have different dialogat the end of the fight. Note: Great Saiyamanalways says the same thing no matter what, butit always has to do with 'Justice' or 'Evil'.
You may have already noticed that your characterwill be knocked out of his Super SaiyanTransformation when his Ki gauge goes anywherebelow 3. By knowing this, you can determineseveral things in a battle. Note: Super Saiyan 2Transformations also are knocked out at Ki gauge3. Also, this has almost the same effect withCell and Frieza's Forms.
Easy Win
To easily defeat an opponent, go to 'EditSkills' and give your character a Viral HeartDisease Capsule and a Vaccine Capsule. TheVaccine Capsule negates the effects of the ViralHeart Disease Capsule on your player, and onlyyour opponent will get their life drained.Fight through the story mode and/or thetournament mode until you can get the SenzuBean, Viral Heart Disease, Vaccine, and Kamehameha skills. Equip all four skills onGoku, Gohan, or Krillin. When you now fight in aduel, allow your opponent to knock your healthdown to zero. By this time, the Viral HeartDisease should have depleted his health down tohalf of the last bar. The Senzu Bean willreplenish all of your health and energy. Finishoff your opponent with a four-punch combo and aKamehameha.Go into the options menu and set 'Difficulty'to 'Very Easy', 'Com' to 'Very Weak', equip theVaccine, Viral Heart Disease, and a Senzu Bean,Set the time limit to 30 seconds. When thematch starts, dodge for the first fifteenseconds. The last fifteen seconds should depleteyour opponent's health. When the clock reacheszero, if you have not been knocked out of thering, you will be declared the winner.This trick do the maximum amount of damage andrequires a controller with an auto-fire featureand Gero's Perpetual Energy R&D. This can bewith any character. Equip Gero's PerpetualEnergy R&D, then go to practice. Knock the CPUdown. While the CPU is down, set Circle to auto-fire for the Ki Blast Wave. It will do damageover 10,000 and combos over 100.Choose a small-sized character, such as Krillinor Gohan. Equip him with Vaccine and Viral HeartDisease and set the tournament to last thirtyseconds. When you enter the tournament with yourcustom character, the opponent's health will begoing down. When the thirty seconds are up, youwill win. This is a very easy way to get GreatSayiaman or money.
Destroying Arenas
If you enter any battlefield with walls thattouch against the field, push your opponentagainst the wall and do an Elbow Smash (Toward +Toward Hold + Punch) or some other hard hittingattack. Your opponent will be smashed into thewall, dealing the damage of the attack as wellas an added bonus. This can also be done forhigher walls and moves that will knock somebodyoutside of the ring.To make an arena a smoldering crater, select acharacter with an Ultimate Move (for exampleGoku's Spirit Bomb or Trunks' Burning attack).Then, use the Ultimate Move. Note: You cannotdestroy the World Tournament, Hyperbolic TimeChamber, or Kami's Lookout (when you areactually on the Lookout) arenas.Go to versus or practice mode and choose acharacter that has an Ultimate Attack, such asTrunks or Frieza. Use it on a character andafter the blast you should see that Planet Namekis almost about to blow up with lightning andtornadoes.Use a powerful energy attack to turn any battleinto a desert wasteland. The following attackscan do this: Perfect Cell's Spirit Bomb, Trunks'Burning Attack, Android #16's Hell Flash.Deathball and other attacks should also have thesame effect.
Alternate Endings
After you complete the story mode you will beable to go back and do new missions in the threedifferent sagas to unlock characters and items.After you do the new missions for each saga (canbe done randomly), another mission opens wherethe story from the cartoon and game is changed.In the Saiyan Saga, you play as Vegeta and takeon the Z Fighters. After Vegeta defeats each ofthem he turns Super Saiyan. In the Namek Saga,you play as Frieza and once again take on the ZFighters. Once they are defeated Freeza, willuse the Dragonballs and ask to be invincible.His wish is granted and he destroys Namek andthen goes after Earth. In the Android Saga, youplay as Cell. After absorbing Android 17, Cellgoes after Android 18. He will try to absorb herbut Krillin will jump in the way and be absorbedinstead. Cell will become a hilarious fusionbetween the two. He will then take on Yamcha.After the fight, Tien goes to blast him but Cellsuddenly wakes up from a dream. He is in hisPerfect form waiting for the Cell Games.Additionally, these episodes can be unlockedwhen you complete Story Mode at any level:
Run/Fly Fast
To run really fast like the COMs do, pressright, right, or left, left-- depending on thedirection you want to go in. You will run or flyin, and that can help a lot!
Get Hercule
Beat World Tournament on Adept level to unlockHercule.
All Upgrades (Requires 2 Memory Cards)
Get all the dragonballs and save them on memory card A. *Then trade them onto memory card B. (saving it on B but not on A) Use them on B. (repeat from the *)
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Created by: dbzrulz100.Read the full guide..